Thursday, June 5, 2008

AT&T Management Identity Theft - Stolen Laptop

Article from SC Magazine - Dan Kaplan
An undisclosed number of management-level workers at AT&T have been notified that their personal information was stored unencrypted on a stolen laptop. The laptop was stolen May 15 from the car of an employee, Walt Sharp, a spokesman for AT&T, told on Wednesday. The data on the computer was not encrypted -- a violation of company policy -- and included names, Social Security numbers and in some cases, salary and bonus information.

Sharp said the company would not disclose the number of affected individuals, but there is no reason to believe any of the data was being targeted when the machine was stolen. "Usually these are property crimes in which the drive is wiped clean and resold for profit," he said. The employee who was in possession of the laptop when it was stolen has been disciplined.
"There are a number of rules governing the handling of encrypted material and the mobile devices handling that material that employees must follow," Sharp said. "It is up to the employee to ensure that any sensitive material is encrypted."
AT&T used the breach as a reminder that employees must follow policies. This is the second major recent breach to involve an unencrypted laptop. Two weeks ago, Connecticut state officials announced that a Bank of New York Mellon contractor lost a laptop containing the personal information of some 4.5 bank customers.

Correction - DAN - it is the third major theft of ID's on Laptops in a matter of a few months!
SEE BLOG ENTRY: Sterling Commerce Employee ID Theft

As far as the comment - Sharp said. "It is up to the employee to ensure that any sensitive material is encrypted.
I disagree - it is AT&T's, or any companys', responsibility to ensure that all sensative data is protected- at any and all costs.

Jamie"s MOTTO.....

Don't follow the path that is already there....go instead where there is no path....and leave a trail....

This trail is a part of a long journey .....