Social Networking and Identity Theft
Social Networking is a growing concern for online identity theft. Sites like MySpace, Facebook,and Twitter are key targets. As an example - cyber-criminals are selling hacked Twitter accounts and passwords online for up to $1,000. The cyber-criminals use those accounts to infect other computers with software that steals data (data-stealing malware). With this software they can hack in to your personal data and steal bank account information that could result in drafts on your checking or savings accounts.
Tami Nealy is the Director of Public Affairs for Lifelock, "I think the time we live in gives identity thieves more opportunity. People are using online forums daily that are not secure, thus giving identity thieves more and more opportunities" Nealy said. "Identity thieves act as imposters and create file-sharing programs. You think you are getting an email from someone you know, but by accepting the share program, you are giving thieves access to your data, your personal information. Anytime you provide your personal information, make sure the website is a secure site." Note: Credit card debt and credit card identity theft comprises the majority of identity theft.